Amlaki Rasayan is an extract of Amla. It is much concentrate from of Amla. Amlaki Rasayan acts on all the system of the body of all age group. Amlki Rasayan is rich source of Vitamin ā€˜Cā€™ hence increases absarbtion.Rudraksha introduces. Emblica cap containt 450 mg of Amlaki Rasayan.

Most important function is to control the secretion of muscous from any system of the body
- Emblica Cap : controls hair falling
- Effective Antioxidant
- Increases absorption of iron.
- Absorbs directly into blood, improves Gaestrointestinal disturbance.

Emblica Capsules is use full in :-
Spongy gums.
Chronic amoebiasis.
Various ophthalmic condition.

(Emblica Officinalis)
Improves immunity.
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