Introduction :
Rudraliv a herbal preparation used in the form of Syrup and Capsules in Patients who were suffering from various Liver disorders such as Infective Hepatitis (A & B) , Alcoholic Hepatitis, Drug induced Hepatitis. Clinical and haematological assessment, were done before and after therapy and results were noted.

Material and Method :

40 consecutive patients seen in our hospital from April 1994 to Sept. 1994 were taken for clinical trials of Cap. Rudraliv 1 OD. + Syrup Rudraliv 1 tsp. BD for 10 days. They were assessed clinically by looking for hepatomegaly, icterus, itching, jaundice and encephelopathy. They were also investigated for CBC, urine, Bs/BP, Ser- Billirubin SGOT/SGPT. All the patients were given Cap. Rudraliv 1 OD
Syp. Rudraliv 1 Tsf BD ‘for 10 days. They were again assessed clinically and haematologically after 10 days. 4 patients developed jaundice after AKT Drugs. They were put on Rudraliv and AKT drugs were withdrawn. Another 4 patients who had alcoholic hepatitis were also given Cap. Rudraliv + Sy. Rudraliv in same dose. They have stopped consuming alcohol during treatment. Total number of patients 40 male – 30 female – 10 patients from ages group 16 to 50 years. Average age 28.2 Yrs. Mostly young adults.

No. of patients in various liver disorder as follows :
Hepatitis A 28 Patients
Hepatitis B 4 Patients
Alcoholic Hepatitis 4 Patients
Drug Induced 4 Patients

Total 40 Patients
All the patients completed 10 days therapy. A part from Rudraliv Caps. & Syp. ‘they were given only I.V. fluid in case of poor oral intake and vomiting.


After the start of therapy, remarkable improvement was observed in patients, first of their clinical symptoms like improved appetite and sense of well being. Icterus and hepatomolegally were also reduced after completion of treatment. The color of stool and urine also became normal. None of the drug were very good. None of our patients had any side effect of the drug. They tolerated it very well.

Rudraliv is very useful drug as first line therapy in various liver disorder especially viral hepatitis (both A&B) and also found useful in drug induced hepatitis and alcoholic hepatitis.
The ingredients of the drugs help to improve in hepato biliary function thereby choleretic and chologuage action and also cytoprotection and regeneration of damaged liver cells by improving their function.
We are grateful to Mr.C.R.Shah & Mr. N.S.Kulkarni of Rudraksha Ayurved Pvt. Ltd., who had supplied the drug and also help in carrying out the investigation.


(Dr. Vilas B.Gujrati)
MD.(Bom.) B.S.M.C.P.S., M.R.S.H. (London)
E.C.F., M.G.M.A.G.S. (U.S.A.), M.A.M.S. (Delhi) .F.C.C.P. (Delhi)
M.C.A.M.(Nepal) F.C.C.P.(U.S.A.), F.A.M.S. (Delhi) (L.M.A.) M.L.A.
Ac.S.F.I.C.A.(U.S.A.), F.Card (SASMS) Delhi Senior consulting Physician & Cardiologist

 Bytco Memorial Hospital, Nashik Road, Savita Desai Hospital, Nashik
 Medical Examiner & Cardiologist For L.I.C.  Pronident I.M.A. Nashik Road
 Nagjee Memorial Hospital Nasik  Maharashtra Medical Council Registration No. 25160
 Indian Medical Council Registration No. 11639  Visiting Physician N.T.P.S. Ek lahare
 General Medical Council, London (U.K.) Registration No.2371032
 RESIDENCE : 16, Shanti Apartment, Amrut Nagar, Jail Road, Nashik Road, Phone 63811


Date : 20.10.1992

By. Dr. R.S.Sharma M.D. (Medicine), D.M. (Cardiolodgy)
Associate Prof. Govt. Medical Collage, Jabalpur


Viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease constitute a significant proportion of disease mass in our country. Modern medicine has very little to offer except for symptomatic relief. Anti viral drugs have been used in ineffective hepatitis but their role is limited & they have their own side effects. Cost of Anti viral drugs is prohibitive, especially in our country.
“Ayurveda”has a lot to offer in the field of liver protection and the cure of liver disorders, hence a trial was taken to test the efficacy of the indigeneous drug “Rudraliv Syrup”- a combination of known hepatotropic agents. (Kasni, Saptparna, Haritaki, Kalmegh, Indrayava, Guduchi, Kakmachi, Daru Haridra, Sharapunkha). Some of these ingredients are NOT present in the already available ayurvedic drugs being used in India for liver disorders.

Material and Method

20 Patients of infective hepatitis (age 10 to 50 Yrs. ‘both male and female, 10 Type “A” and 10 Type “B” hepatitis), 20 cases of alcoholic hepatitis age range 25 to 50 yrs. (10 cases each) were used in this study. Informed consent was taken. These patients were divided into two groups. Group I acted as control and Group II acted as test group for the efficiency of “Rudaliv Syrup”.

Both the groups has equal number of patients (Table-1). At the beginning of study thorough clinical examination was done besides detailed history. Relevant symptoms ( anorexia vomiting, fever, pain in abdomen, yellowness of urine, solera, itching, complaints regarding sleep, motions) & physical signs ( icterus severity, liver enlargement measurements, liver tenderness) were noted (Table-2) . Laboratory investigations - SGPT, Serum bilirubin, urine, bilesalt, pigment were estimated (Table-3).

“Rudrliv Syrup” was administered to the control group in dose of 2 tsp TDS half an hour before meals for 3 weeks.

The control group received only symptomatic therapy for fever, vomiting. The patients were followed up at weekly intervals & all the parameters of history, physical examination & laboratory investigations were rechecked at each visit. The results were tabulated.

Results (Table 1-VII)

1. Case of Viral hepatitis


(Please see Table II, V) – Anorexia was corrected in 90% of patients at the end of 3 weeks. However, even as early as after 1 week of therapy appetite was improved in 70% of patients & in 80% patients at the end of 2 weeks. Pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting & itching was relieved in all patients as early as after 1 week of therapy. Yellowness of Sclera had disappeared in 90% of patients at the end of 3 weeks and in remaining 1 patient it was very mild.

Signs :

(Table III,VI) Hepatomegely completely disappeared in 90% of patients at the end of 3 weeks. Tenderness had disappeared in all the patients at the end of 1 week. Icterus was absent in 90% at the end of 3 weeks & was very mild in remaining 1 patient.

1.Laboratory Investigations : (Table IV, III)

SGPT was first to return to normal. 100% patients showing return to normal at the end of 2 weeks. Serum bilirubin levels also returned to normal in 100% patients at the end of 3 weeks. Urinary bile salts, pigments were normal at the end of 3 weeks in all the patients. The results were similar in both Type “A” and type “B” hepatitis. In control group the symptoms, signs & laboratory investigations were relieved in less no. of patients (Please see table VII).

2. Cases of Alcoholic Hepatitis :

Symptoms of pain in abdomen, anorexia, vomiting were relieved in 90% patients at the end of 1 week therapy & in 100% cases at the end of 3 weeks (Table –V) . Tender Hepatomegely disappeared in all the patients at the end of 2 weeks, SGPT & serum bilirium returned to normal in 90% of patients at the end of 3 weeks. In control the parameters were relieved in less no. of patients (Table –VII).


Results of this study are interesting. They show that patients of viral & alcoholic hepatitis treated with “Rudraliv Syrup” were relieved of their symptoms earlier. Hepatomegely & icterus disappeared & liver enzymea & bilirium levels in serum also improved faster as compared to control group of patients.

Rudraliv Syrup contains well known ingredients :- Cichorium Endivia, Alstonia Scholaris, Terminalia Chebula, Andrographis, Cirrullus, tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi), Solanum Nigrum, (Kakmachi), Berberis Aristata & Tephrosia Purpurea. These ingredients are known to be effective as both Choleretic & Cholegauges. They also improve chronic anorexia & induce sense of well being. There were no side effects noted in the group treated.


“Rudraliv Syrup” is effective & safe therapy for cases of Infective hepatitis (Both type A and B) as well as in cases of alcoholic hepatitis. Since this is a relatively new combination of drugs of known benefit it deserves it’s use in certain liver disorders.

Table –1 : Showing Patient groups included in the Study

Total No. of Patients Infenctive Hepatitis Alcoholic Hepatitis

40 20 20
(20 Males, 20 Females) | (10 Males & 10 Females)
| |
Type “A” Type “B”
(5 Males & 5 Females) (5 Males & 5 Females)

Rudraksha Ayurved Pvt. Ltd.,

Table –II – Symptoms of Patients included in the Study

Symptoms Number of Patients
  20 Cases IH 20 Cases of Alcoholic Hepatitis
Fever 18 12
Anorexia 20 16
Pain in abdomen 16 18
Yellow sclera 20 16
Yellow Urine 20 18
Itching 08 10
Vomiting 16 18
Sleepnessness 16 18

Table –III- Physical Signs of Patients included in study

Number of Patients
  20 Cases of IH

20 Cased of Alcoholic Hepatitis

1. Icterus 20 16

2. Hepatomegaly

20  18

Table – IV - Laboratory Investigations in Patients included in Study

Number of Patients
  20 Cases of IH

20 Cased of Alcoholic Hepatitis

Raised SGPT 20 20

Raised Billirubin Serum

20  16

Rudraksha Ayurved Pvt. Ltd.,

Table –V- Table showing improvement in symptoms at the end of 3 weeks of therapy

Symptoms Improvement in Test group Improvement in Group
Contol group
1. Anorexia

5/5 in Type “A” Hepatitis
4/5 in Type “B” Hepatitis
9/10 In Alcoholic Hepatitis

2. Fever 5/5 in Type “A” In.Hepatitis
5/5 in Type “B” In.Hepatitis
3. Vomiting 5/5 in Type “A” In. Hepatitis
5/5 in Type “B” In. Hepatitis
10/10 In Alcoholic Hepatitis
4.Yellow Sclera 5/5 in Type “A” In.Hepatitis
4/5 in Type “B” In.Hepatitis
9/10 In Alcoholic Hepatitis

Table – VI – Showing improvement in Physical Signs at the end of 3 weeks

S.No Physical Sign Improvement in Test Group Improvement in Control Group
01 Icterus 5/5 in Type “A” IH
4/5 In Type “B” IH
9/10 In Alcoholic Hepatitis
02 Tender Hepatomegely 5/5 In Type “A” IH
Hepatomegely 5/5 in Type ”B” IH
10/10 In Alcoholic Hepatitis

Rudraksha Ayurved Pvt. Ltd.,

Table – VII – Showing improvement in Lab Investigations at the end of 3 weeks.

S.No Lab Investigation Improvement in Test Group Improvement in Control Group
01 SGPT 5/5 in Type “A” IH
5/5 in Type ”B” IH
9/10 in Alcoholic hepatitis   
02 Serum Bilirubin 5/5 in Type “A” IH
5/5 in Type ”B” IH
9/10 in Alcoholic hepatitis   
03 Urine bile Salt/Pegment 5/5 in Type “A” IH
5/5 in Type ”B” IH

Dr. R.S.Sharma
Associate Prof.
Govt. Medical Collage, Jabalpur.

A Clinical Trial of “RUDRALIV CAPSULES” in Liver disorders

Date : March, 13th 1993

By Dr. R.S.Sharma M.D.(Medicine) D.M.Cardiology)
Associate Prof. Govt. Medical Collage, Jabalpur.

Introduction :

Viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease constitute a significant proportion of disease mass in our country. Modern medicine has very little to offer except for symptomatic relief. Antiviral drugs have been used in ineffective hepatitis but their role is limited & they have their own side effects. Cost of antiviral drugs is prohibitive, especially in our country.

“Ayurveda” has a lost to offer in the field of liver protection and the cure of liver disorders, hence a trial was taken to test the efficacy of the indigeneous drug “RUDRALIV CAPSULES” – a combination of known hepatotropic agents. (Kasni, Saptparna, Haritaki, Kalmegh, Indrayava, Guduchi, Kakmachi, Daru Haldi, Sarpankha). Some of these ingredients are NOT present in the already available ayurvedic drugs being used in India for liver disorders.

Material and Method :

32 Patients of infective hepatitis (age 12 to 60 yrs, both male & female, 15 Type “A” and 17 Type “B” hepatitis), 30 cases of alcoholic hepatitis age range 25 to 60 Yrs. Informed consent was taken. These patients were divided into two groups. Group I acted as control and Gourp II acted as test group for the efficiency of “RUDRALIV CAPSULES”

Both the groups has equal number of patients (Table-I). At the beginning of study thorough clinical examination was done besides detailed history. Relevant symptoms ( anorexia vomiting, fever, pain in abdomen, yellowness of urine, solera, itching, complaints regarding sleep, motions) & physical signs (icterus severity, liver enlargement measurements, liver tenderness) were noted (Table-2). Laboratory investigations – SGPT, Serum bilirubin, urine, bilesalt, pigment were estimated (Table-3).

Rudraliv Capsules was administered to the control group in dose of 1 Cap. TDS half an hour an hour before meals for 3 weeks.

The control group received only symptomatic therapy for fever, vomiting. The patients were followed up at weekly intervals & all the parameters of history, physical examination & laboratory investigations were rechecked at each visit. The results were tabulated.

RESULTS : ( Table I-VII).

1. Cases of Viral hepatitis-


(Please see Table II, V) - Anorexia was corrected in 90% of patients at the end of 3 weeks. However, even as early as after 1 week of therapy appetite was improved in 70% of patients & in 80% patients at the end of 2 weeks. Pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting & itching was relieved in all patients as early as after 1 week of therapy. Yellowness of Sclera had disappeared in 90% of patients at the end of 3 weeks & in remaining 1 patient it was very mild.


Rudraksha Ayurved Pvt. Ltd.,

(Table III, VI) Hepatomegely completely disappeared in 80% of patients at the end of 3 weeks. Tenderness had disappeared in all the patients at the end of 1 week. Icterus was absent in 90% at the end of 3 weeks & was very mild in remaining 1 patient.

Laboratory Investigations : (Table IV, III)

SGPT was first to return to normal, 100% patients showing return to normal at the end of 2 weeks. Serum bilirubin levels also returned to normal in 100% patients at the end of 3 weeks. Urinary bile salts, pigments were normal at the end of 3 weeks in all the patients. The results were similar in both Type “A” & Type “B” hepatitis. In control group the symptoms, signs & laboratory investigations were relieved in less no. of patients (Please see table VII).

2. Cases of Alcoholic Hepatitis:

Symptoms of pain in abdomen, anorexia, vomiting were relieved in 90% patients at the end of 1 week thereby & in 100% cases at the end of 3 weeks (Table –V). Tender hepatomegely disappeared in all the patients at the end of 2 weeks. Icterus disappeared in 90% patients at the end of 2 weeks, SGPT & serum bilirium returned to normal in 90% of patients at the end of 3 weeks. In control the parameters were relieved in less no. of patients (Table –VII).

Discussion :

Results of this study are interesting. They show that patients of viral & alcoholic hepatitis treated with RUDRALIV CAPSULES” were relieved of their symptoms earlier. Hepatomegely & icterus disappeared & liver enzymes & bilirium levels in serum also improved faster as compared to control group of patients.

“Rudraliv Capsules” contains well known ingredients :- Cichorium Endivia, Alstonia Scholaris, Terminalia Chebula, Andrographis, Cirrullus, Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi), Solanum Nigrum (Kakmachi) Berberis, aristata & Tephrosia purpurea. These ingredients are known to be effective as both Choleretic & Cholegauges. They also improve chronic anorexia & induce sense of well being. There were no side effects noted in the group treated.

Conclusion :

“Rudraliv Capsules” is effective & safe therapy for cases of Infective hepatitis (Both type A & B) as well as in cases of alcoholic hepatitis. Since this is a relatively new combination of drugs of known benefit it deserves it’s use in certain liver disorders.

Table –1 : Showing Patient groups included in the Study

Total No of Patients Infective Hepatitis Alcoholic Hepatitis
(15 Males, 17 Females)
Type “A”
(7 Males & 7 Females)
Type “B”
( 9 Males & 9 Females)
(15 Males & 15 Females)


Table –II – Symptoms of Patients included in the study

Symptoms Number of Patients
  32 Cases of IH 30 Cases of Alcoholic Hepatitis
Fever 31 24
Anorexia 32 15
Pain in abdomen 28 17
Yellow sclera 31 16
Yellow Urine 30 18
Itching 28 08
Vomiting 31 20
Sleeplessness 30 21

Table – III – Physical Signs of Patients included in study.

Signs Number of Patients
  32 Cases of IH 30 Cases of Alcoholic Hepatitis
1. Icterus 31 20
2. Hepatomegaly
30 30

Table – IV – Laboratory Investigations in Patients included in study

Lab Investigations Number of Patients
  32 Cases of IH 30 Cases of Alcoholic Hepatitis
Raised SGPT 31 28

Raised Bilirubin Serum
31 24

Rudraksha Ayurved Pvt. Ltd.,

Table – V - Table showing improvement in symptoms at the end of 3 weeks of therapy

Symptoms Improvement in Test Group Improvement In Control Group
1. Anorexia 8/8 in Type “A” Hepatitis
7/8 in Type “B” Hepatitis
13/15 In Alcoholic Hepatitis


8/8 In Type “A” In. Hepatitis
5/8 In Type “B” In. Hepatitis
3.Vomiting 8/8 In Type “A” IH
7/8 In Type “B” IH
15/15 in alcoholic hepatitis

6/15 in Alcoholic hepatitis

4.Yellow Sclera 8/8 in Type “A” IH
7/8 In Type “B” IH
8/15 in alcoholic hepatitis

Table – VI- Showing improvement in Physical Signs at the end of 3 weeks.

S.NO. Physical Sign Improvement in Test Group Improvement in Control Group
01 Icterus

8/8 in Type “A” IH
7/8 in Type “B” IH
8/15 in Alcoholic hepatitis

02 Tender hepatomegely 8/8 in Type “A” IH
6/8 in Type “B” IH
15/15 in alcoholic hepatitis


Table – VII - Showing improvement in LAB investigations at the end of 3 weeks

S.NO. LAB Investigation Improvement in Test Group Improvement in Control Group
01 SGPT 8/8 in Type “A” IH
7/8 in Type “B” IH
9/10 in Alcoholic hepatitis


02 Serum Bilirubin 8/8 in Type “A” IH
7/8 in Type “B” IH
9/10 in alcoholic hepatitis
03 Urine bile Salt/ Pigment 8/8 in Type “A” IH
8/8 in Type “B” IH

MD. (Medicine)
Asso.Prof. Govt. Medical Collage,
Jabalpur (M.P.)

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